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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Emancipation Day

Happy Emancipation Day (in D.C.)

April 16 is recognized in, D.C., as Emancipation Proclamation day.

In researching for this article I found out some interesting facts that I'd like to share with you all.

- Texas (Juneteenth , June 19th) and Florida (May 20th, but it's an unofficial) are the other two states that have a celebration marking the Emancipation of Slaves.

- Many West Indian countries including the Bahamas, Bermuda, Trinidad and Tobago and Turks and Caicos Celebrate an Emancipation Day.

- The April 16th 1862 Emancipation of the slaves in D.C. was the only one in which Slave owners were compensated for setting slaves free.

- Lincoln didn't use his initial powers as President to conduct the Emancipation, he used his war powers of "
Commander and Chief of the Army and Navy" as the tool to Emancipate.

You can check out more Emancipation
Proclamation Facts Here or Here or you can check your local Wikipedia listings...

I must say I've taken a lot of history courses in High School and College, and NEVER was I taught or quizzed on anything involving the actual Emancipation of the Slaves.

All that was EVER said was "The Document and Lincoln Freed the Slaves"... that statement is not entirely true and I advise people to take a further look into...

Dropping Knowledge,

Mr. Talented

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