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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Political Mess....."Who Let the Dogs Out"

Now, I haven't been keeping up with the Political Race as much as I should. However, it's been getting more and more racially intensified.

So with that here are two different clips this week.

1. Barack was asked if he thought "Bill Clinton was the first Black President?"
I like his response because first he answers the question, then he closes it with on a lighter side, joking at the end.

2. WTF was Mitt Romney thinking. Well, he thought he was being cool. He wasn't, but it sure is funny to see. 2 things to listen to:
a. "Who Let the Dogs out, woof woof"
b. While looking at a toddler, "I see you got your bling bling on"

oh these candidates....

Mr. Talented
John McCain voted against Martin Luther King Day as a National Holiday... not once, not twice, BUT THREE TIMES ... Damn

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