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Thursday, November 8, 2007

Hell No, We won't....EAT!!!???

That has been the scene on the recently controversial Columbia University. 5 students are now engaged in a Hunger Strike and have listed their reasons and Demands.

Some of the Demands are:
"We demand that Columbia expand ethically, support Ethnic Studies, reform the Core Curriculum, and improve administrative support for students of color, students of faith, and LGBTQ students:

Because our cause is multi-faceted, our demands call for change on all levels and ask for a spectrum of responsibility:
  • a more systematic response to hate crimes from Public Safety
  • a more collaborative expansion effort from the administration
  • a revision of the Core that encourages critical engagement with issues of racism and colonialism
  • more resources and support for the Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race (CSER), the Institute for Research in African-American Studies (IRAAS), and the Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA).
We don't just want new programs or changes and improvements to existing programs. We want lasting changes in the power dynamics between the university, its students, and its community.

Yes! Until the university completes a community-wide pilot program exploring the best possible responses to acts of hate on its campus and fundamentally changes the power dynamics of its decision-making process these students will not eat."

Go Columbia Students... It seems as though students from all levels are ready to stand up when they feel as though things are unjust. First, college students (primarily) forced the nation to pay attention to the circumstances of the Jena 6 situation and now a Hunger Strike.

Other controversy around the Columbia University Campus...
Iranian President (huh)
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (September)
African American Teacher has noose hung on office door (October)
Jewish American Teacher has Swastika painted on door (November)
I wonder what December will bring for the school...

For more info check out their blog at ... http://www.cu-strike.blogspot.com/
or their Facebook group
Join the Facebook Group!

So what do you think???

Mr. Talented

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