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Monday, November 12, 2007

Hell No, We won't....EAT!!!??? ... Part 2

Day 6.... The Columbia students who are on "Hunger Strike" mean business. The five is, for the moment, down to four (one member had to be rushed to the hospital). However, the attention and showcase of peaceful demonstration is gaining a strong, vocal following. The student group behind this, has organized ways to support them.

Here is a statement sent via their Fa
cebook group message:
"Other ways you can support include signing our petition if you have not done so already (http://www.petitiononline.com/kwzchen/petition.html), coming out to our vigils, which are held every night at 9pm at the Sundial, donating water, blankets, pillows, sleeping bags or flashlights, and telling all your friends, listeners and professors about the strike and the demands."
The students on campus have been participating in events for the "Hunger Strike", including Marching to Lee Bollinger's (President of Columbia) house, Candle light Vigils, a growing Facebook group, the support of Faculty, and the biggest...setting up Negotiations with the schools hierarchy

here are some pictures of the scene around campus below:

Other updates from their blog... http://cu-strike.blogspot.com

A Striker on the First Day of Negotiations

Prof. Dennis Dalton joins strike

So check out their blog, sign the petition...and I'll keep you updated on the events.
We might even get an exclusive interview

Mr. Talented

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