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Monday, March 23, 2009

The iPhone chronciles part 1

So as many of you know FINALLY bought an iPhone last week (and yes Roz with my own money becauSe I
Miss independent now). Well idecided the iphone isn't always my best friend.
Fir starters it doesn't always spell check what I type.
Segunda it is a date killer. For Instance right now I'm in lucky strike in Chinatown on a date and I'm blogging. Before that i was playing spades with this app I downloaded. (NOBODY can see me in spades) but i digress. How can I really give him full attention when I have all these apps and this music and man I can check facebook and see what all my friends are doing. Then there is email and online shopping hmmm that sounds fun plus he is watching the game. Note to self dont play with iPhone on next date

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....