With no further wait...
The Million DJ March Charity Streetball Classic is here...

So come out and show some support, and we'll probably be broadcasting LIVE!!!
Toyota Scion is sponsoring the event and doing Giveaways!!!
EVENT: Platinum Family Streetballers / The ANC Foundation
The Million DJ March Celebrity Classic
The Platinum Family Streetballers vs. Team ANC
LOCATION: Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington
Metropolitan Police Clubhouses Mary & Daniel Loughran Clubhouse #10
2500 14th Street NW Washington , DC 20019
DATE: August 29, 2008
TIMES: 6:00PM – 6:30PM – Entrance into the Gym and Media Time
6:30PM – 6:50PM – Warm Up and introduction of the teams, coaches etc.
6:55PM - The Celebrity All-Star Game
National Anthem sung by the Contestant Winner
7:00PM - Game begins
During Halftime their will be giveaways
Dance / Step Show Performance
Interviews with Players, Coaches and Spectators
9:00 PM - Closing Remarks, Short Media Time
See you there, I might even lace up the boots too....
p.s. Hip Hop Caucus is gonna be there too