Welcome to Campus TV Online
Campus TV Online (CTVO) is an online media show in development entirely directed for the college market; those in college, soon to be attending, and recently graduated. We create online shows that interest, involve and inspire our target audience. We display our media on the CTVO website and others visited by our market (i.e., Facebook, YouTube, and MySpace). Our site will feature “webisodes" -regular programming episodes via the web- that run on daily, weekly and monthly schedules. This programming will increase viewer-ship and become the attractive media option for students. To remain relevant and better engage our target audience, CTVO plans to travel nationwide to various college campuses and film on location. This will allow us to stay up-to-date with the current issues, concerns and interests of our market. We recognize that student participation is vital to our success, therefore events and contests will take place to encourage active participation.
For the college student, CTVO provides an unparalleled user experience. We provide and reward constant interaction through shows, events, concerts, contests specifically for students. From up to date entertainment information, to helping users secure internships, and philanthropic events CTVO is specifically tailored to the multi-dimensional college student.
With these points as our purpose; we aim to effectively capture and enhance the college experience and display it through the medium its students use the most. We aim to continually shape and be at the forefront of each new generation, remaining innovative, compassionate and the outlet of choice for college students.
Thank you for your time,
CTVO President
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