In this corner, the undisputed pundit of Republican Values, The O'Reilly Factor ...
Bill O'Reilly ...BILL, BILL, BILL!!!!
And in this corner, The Contender, The Fist Pump Champ, The Voice of a New Nation, Barack The MC, PrimeTime ...
Barack Obama ... YES WE CAN!!!, YES WE CAN!!!
I believe that they both have a mutual respect of each other and in other settings could be very good friends.
But at this battleground, the gloves begin to come off.
This is the prequel... You see O'Reilly trying to stick Obama on the issues and forcing him to use words...
You see Obama, talking his way out of a divisive issue, and making O'Reilly agree with him on issues...
Part 1 down... check out O'Reilly Factor on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to hear the rest.
So who do you think won round 1???
my score
O'Reilly - 1
Obama - 1