Campus TV Online is an online media community created by college students. It is entirely directed for the college market; those in college, soon to be attending, recently graduated or between 17-24. We throw parties, give away prizes, visit campuses and have lots of fun. Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you when we visit your school.

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Just joined the team!

Just joined the Campus TV online as a contributor and wanted to say hi to everyone! Big ups to David and this site on the recent rise to 5000+ hits.

A quick blurb about myself; I'm currently immersed in the local bboy scene and have delved into the art of photography as a hobby, amongst many other things I do to keep myself occupied. I "work" a 9-5 that barely holds my interest, my extracurriculars are what keep me sane. A second "job" -- i don't really consider it a job, but it pays, so it counts -- is event photography; more specifically nightlife photography.

Halloween is upon us, what will you be doing?? I'll be at Modern tonight at Georgetown, followed by Pasara Lounge (1219 Conn. Ave NW) on Friday and Saturday night -- chillin and taking pictures. Email me at georgelang5@gmail.com for guestlist -- free before midnight. Hope to see you there!

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