"It's not because she's black. It's because we've used the word (Nga) sometimes here. I'm not going to take a chance ever in life of losing everything I've worked for for 30 years because some (Fcukin) (Nga) heard us say (Nga) and turned us into The Enquirer magazine."Way to put your foot in your mouth...Dog
The internet has been going crazy cause Dog did an apology interview November 6th (I'm a lil late, had more important things to do) on Fox News Hannity and Colmes show (like that's the most watched network by black people). Wasting no time, Fox News put out a rushed transcript of the conversation. Personally, I thought it was sad and hilarious. I mean, some of the things he was saying was almost comical if not for the fact they were his real words. Such as:
"I thought that I was cool enough in the black world to be able to use that word as a brother to a brother."
"I've always taken pride to be the white guy that can talk to the black people, that can refer to them truly as a brother from a different mother."
"HANNITY: But did you use it regularly?We're do I stand, personally I DON'T CARE. I never watched the show before. I know that people of all colors say Nga, and that those that are not black (or spanish) understand that they can't say it in public without a negative image. This is less offensive then Michael Richards (Kramer) or Don Imus, because he did not use make offensive remarks in a public setting. However, he's gonna suffer financial losses ($$) for his actions.D. CHAPMAN: Not that regularly, only probably as a greeting to a black person where they'd come up, "Hey, my N-dog." And I'd be like, stick my head in his chest, "Hi, man, how are you doing?"
I wouldn't turn around and say, "Hi," and use it out loud, because I'm going to get beat up, but I used it as a — when I meet a brother, and we shake, and we say, "How's it," that's how it is. It's not a degrading thing at all.
HANNITY: You said this is how you would greet — you told me privately — Snoop Dogg. Is that true?
D. CHAPMAN: Yes, that's exactly right. I mean, you just can't walk up to someone, "Hi." You know, you'd get hit in the mouth. But when a brother says that to you first or you realize that there's — there's a special connection that I thought I had between me and black America.
And I used to say, "I'm black, too." In other words, I — my whole life I've been called a half-breed, a convict, king of the trailer trash, this and that. I take that and stand.
So when I stood there and said, "I kind of know what you feel like, because I've been there, too," I felt that I could embrace and like, as brothers or, even as a black woman, say the word.
You can't — I now learned I'm not black at all. And I never did it out of hate. This sounds so stupid. I always did it out of love. Other white guys would be like, "Boy, who does Dog think he is? Dog can say that." And black guys would be with me and walk with me and respect me.
So I went too far with that. I got — I should have never, ever..."
Who benefits the most...Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, they get camera time for this one.
To read the full transcript or to see the video clips...
1 comment:
"And I used to say, "I'm black, too." In other words, I — my whole life I've been called a half-breed, a convict, king of the trailer trash, this and that. I take that and stand."
So now black people are all half-breeds, convicts, and trailer trash?!?
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