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Thursday, October 11, 2007

American Gangsta Conference Call....

Lowkey (yes I'm going to be talkin from the third person persepective) found a way to get in on some exclusive conversation yesterday! Yes, you guessed it, Lowkey was on the "American Gangsta" conference call hosted by Young Sav, Steve-O, EP and President Carter. I recorded that bitch, chopped it up and now I'm serving it to you greedy pricks on a silver platter. Yea, let's see how many knuckleheads steal this link....dont worry I know the work I did....my protools session is still saved lol! President Carter touches on the album, touring, features and producers on the album, LL Cool J, his inspiration, Kanye West, the mysterious leak of Dead Presidents Pt.3 and much more...Oh and best believe....MORE TO COME BEFORE NIGHTS END!!!! IM GONE!!
P.S. Young Sav.....you a life saver my nig!!!

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