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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

T-Pain Has TALENT!!!!!!!!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am here to APOLOGIZE.... to the Nappy Boy Crew, To his Fans and to T-Pain himself.

I was under the impression, i believe rightfully so, that you had NO musical talent. That you found a voice synthesizer or something in protools or garage band, and that you made it work. I thought that you could NOT sing, and that you were selling us Great Songs sung really badly. I thought that it was a great hustle, and I love a lot of the music. I just thought you had NO MUSCIAL TALENT AT ALL....

At a recent Miami outdoor pool party/concert, T-Pain accompanied Rick Ross (The Boss) on the stage. In the clip that I am about to show, he was not singing the hook to their Smash single "The Boss". He was PLAYING THE DRUMS. Yes, I said it, He was Killing it. And to make it all better, it wasn't to his song ... it was to "Here I Am" and then follows it off by doing the same thing with "Hustlin".

With no further ado, to prove to the rest of the world and to apologize... here is the video...

He still looks like Crazy T-Pain... but and HE HAS TALENT...

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