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Friday, October 26, 2007

T.I. "Give us, us Free"

"With a dark cloud hovering over the King Of The South's crowned head, the clouds have parted and god has shined his ever so bright light on Mr. Harris. Magistrate Alan Baverman granted the Rubberband Man's request for house arrest which resulted in his legal team paying $3 Million ($1 Million which was secured through his Georgia estate, and the rest provided by TI and Atlantic Records), 24 hour surveillance, random drug testing, and will only be able to leave his residence for medical and court appointments. This morning Federal Agents searched the house where TI will be placed under house arrest to make sure it was clear of anything which could violate his house arrest terms. If convicted, TI may recieve up to 10 years in prison as well as 250,000 for each pending charge."

This is from my man LowKey and his
www.youheardthatnew.com site...

I had to take it from him, so keep it on the low.....

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