If any team could bring him out of retirement, it was the 76ers simply because it's where he started his career and where he wanted it to end.
Thursday, Allen was in town to hold a press conference and it didn't take long for him to let his emotions show. The minute he started talking about Philly is when he got choked up and teary eyed:

A.I. spoke from the heart throughout the press conference. And took everyone through the last three years of his life which he described as "hell":
"With the mistakes that I made in my life I painted a picture of me that's not me. I did a lot of things that I am not proud of, but I think those things helped me be the man that I am now," he said.
Some of the reporters kept bringing up his age (34 years old) as if it was going to prevent him from taking care of business on the court. Any Allen Iverson fan knows he leaves his heart on the floor every time he steps out on the court so to even try to insinuate that is age is going to slow him down is ridiculous.
"If I couldn't play basketball at the level that I am accustomed to then I wouldn't have made this decision, " Iverson said. "I wouldn't come back and embarrass myself. I know I can play and I am going to prove that. I am older and I want something better for my life."
"I have done a lot of things as far as bringing it on myself. The mistakes and decisions that I have made throughout my career, that bad rap followed me and it ended up hurting me. I actually for the first time in my life didn't want to play the game because of everything else besides basketball."

Best believe that over the next five months Iverson is going to show the Sixers organization why they should consider extending his contract beyond this season because he NEVER wants to leave home again.
“I want to fit in. I want to be a part of any success that we have. I just want to be one of the guys,” said Iverson. “That’s it. I don’t need a whole bunch of praise. I don’t need to have a lot of accolades, anything like that. I want to play basketball. I just love to play basketball."
“I can only see something positive with this situation. I want to retire here. I wanted it that way. I was young when all the stuff was going on before. I left. I don’t think I made the right decisions. I think I acted a lot on anger. I wish that I didn’t have to go through the last couple years in my career, but I think it will help me with this situation.”

Checkout the video's of the press conference below: